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We’ve all had that feeling at one point or another when you no longer have something you once loved so much. Whether it’s an old pet, a piece of jewellery, or even a meal that disappeared too quickly. That feeling that often leaves you with a newfound emptiness, consuming you with sadness and longing.

Students, this is how your parents will feel now that you’re going away to school.

A classic case of “empty-nest syndrome”

 Every September, the city’s population jumps by more than 40,000 people as students arrive for university or college. It can be a little frustrating for the drivers – which are often the parents!

A classic tradition for parents before leaving their students is to have one #Lastdinner together. Parents are often looking for sustenance after an exhausting and frustrating day (driving, unloading car, moving in).

We know that this transition can be tough, so we want to help ensure that your #LastDinner as a family is filled with love, laughter and lots of food!

With a variety of juicy burgers, hearty pastas, loaded sandwiches and of course vegetables, we will make sure that your new student is properly fed before entering a year of KD and delivery pizza.

So parents, we invite you to take your students out for one #LastDinner to fill their bellies before your departure – and while you’re at it, buy them a gift card so you know they’ll have one more opportunity for a wholesome meal while you’re gone.

Welcome to Waterloo from all of us at Proof Kitchen + Lounge!